
Eating locally, living healthy - Our local food restaurants top 5!

A locavore is someone committed to eat local products and source them via a short food chain.
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  3. Eating locally, living healthy - Our local food restaurants top 5!

“It’s a match!” The local food movement combines the two antagonist world of cities and countries, while respecting the environment. A trend inspiring many Parisian chefs to the delight of gourmets! On the terrace or to take away, eat local!


Nature reaches for the sky!

Urban agriculture is now taking place in the most unexpected spots of the capital.

The Topager company transforms the roofs of Paris into vegetable gardens. In this green haven, fruits and vegetables happily grow.

The orchard and vegetable garden of the Frame restaurant share the Parisian sky with the Eiffel Tower. At the top of the building, we found 6500 ft² of crops as well as bird and hen houses.

Harvested here, the fresh and seasonable vegetables, the homemade honey and the edible flowers and herbs are then cooked by the masterly skilled chef Andrew Wigger.

Potager de la brasserie FRAME avec la Tour Eiffel%252C Paris%252C 2016.

The art of taste

Cooking is an art and Parisian chefs are here to prove it. They share with us their love of gastronomy.

Pierre Sang is among them. He pays tribute to his Korean roots with a demanding and fine cuisine.

In addition to traditional dishes, including the bibimbap, a mixture of rice, beef and vegetables, his restaurant serves a delicious smoked eel with its miso soup or a yogurt ice-cream with granola, lemon cream and peach syrup.


The big winner of Top Chef 2013, Jean Imbert did not wait to be under the TV spotlight to display his cooking skills. At the restaurant Les Bols de Jean her offers gourmet dishes served in bowls of sourdough bread, kneaded by Eric Kayser, a famous baker in the capital.

Flavours of goat cheese, ham on the bone, tapenade and peach compote exquisitely soak the bread for a fun and sensory experience.

Les Bols  de Jean

From farms to fork

Behind the market cuisine of the Resistants, you can find a group of friends in love with good food. Here “locally” also means “respectfully.” Respect of the natural cycles, of a sustainable and traceable production. The food is organic and the prices are reasonable.

But what does it taste like? A culinary and gourmet “Tour de France”: beef from Limousin, corn from Touraine, tartlet with clementines from Porto-Vecchio…

On the website, you’ll find the portraits and stories of the producers, including Maxime Bussy, a baker who kneads his bread with water from Parisian artesian wells.

Les Résistants
Les Résistants

Hamburgers nomades…

Au food truck, « La Mobylette Verte » , tous les sandwichs sont préparés à la demande.

Les pains sont beurrés et toastés, le bœuf d'origine France cuit minute et les légumes produits en Ile-de-France. Le « Camion du Vexin » met à l'honneur les trésors de sa région dans ses burgers et sandwichs : le pain brioché est pétri à Auvers-sur-Oise, la moutarde confectionnée avec des graines de Gouzangrez et les légumes proviennent de Livilliers.

Our selection

Entrée avec vue sur le bar de la brasserie FRAME, Paris
Frame Brasserie
Did you say locavore? Frame Brasserie takes the concept to the next level by serving products from its own vegetable patch, perched on its roof just opposite the Eiffel Tower!
Restaurant Pierre Sang Expériences
Pierre Sang in Oberkampf
Pierre Sang Boyer, a TV chef who simply oozes generosity, has become a household name in France. But celebrity has not changed him. A meal at his restaurant is like dinner at a friend’s house!
Bois de Boulogne
Les Résistants
This is a restaurant with a cause, proclaiming loud and proud that it deals in “committed cuisine”, for the benefit of the “Résistants”, a collective of farmers championing sustainable, local agriculture.

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  • Copyright image: Nicolas Villion