Vue de haut de l'Adidas Arena et ses alentours

Adidas Arena

The Adidas Arena, a new hybrid venue in northeastern Paris, is all set to host events for the 2024 Olympic & Paralympic Games. This new arena sponsored by Adidas is home to the Paris Basketball club, as well as concert performances, exhibitions, restaurants...

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  3. Adidas Arena


At Porte de la Chapelle in the 18th arrondissement of Paris, an enormous sports complex and culture venue has just opened. Built for the 2024 Paris Olympic & Paralympic Games, it is to host the badminton, rhythmic gymnastics, para-badminton and para-powerlifting competitions.

This Arena, to which Adidas won the honour of lending its name, will also be the new playground of a local sports club, Paris Basketball. A leading club featuring in the Betclic Elite basketball championship and boasting the triple-stripe Adidas motif, just like its home stadium. While the complex appears to have found its place in the sporting world, what about its other dimension? Much more than a mere stadium, the Adidas Arena aims to be an activity hub where everyone is welcome.

The hybrid venue

This venue boasts a number of facilities that, put together, make it quite a special place. The Arena is of course the focus around which major events are organised, be they sport competitions, concerts, esports events, etc. Then there’s Le Bloc, a place that unites athletes, foodies, spectators and visitors in an experience that’s quite apart. Firstly, it boasts Les Gyms, two gymnasiums made available throughout the year to schools and sports clubs. There’s also a training facility for high-level gymnasts as well as basketball, badminton, volleyball, handball and futsal players.

Le Bloc also has a beautiful rooftop terrace with an outstanding panoramic view over the Arena’s surroundings and the sports fields just below. You can sip at a cocktail and enjoy a bite to eat, before joining your team on the **basketball court”. That’s right, Le Bloc also has its own restaurants.

Chips galore, but that’s not all

If you feel hungry in the middle of your workout or while watching one of the many artists that grace the stage here, you should be satisfied by the eatery selection put together by the Adidas Arena.

Firstly, in the hospitality and dressing room facilities there’s Le Réfectoire, a catering service that serves up gourmet street food. The menu follows the seasons and the latest trends, including the fight against food wastage. The must-try dishes include their famous beef bourguignon burger. Having won a number of festival prizes in London and Berlin, it has become something of a reference.

The Arena’s other foodie asset is none other than the Eat is Family food court. The stalls set up in the gallery invite visitors to take a culinary trip around the world in which every taste is catered for. A novel concept of cool caterers capable of tickling your tastebuds before, during and after the show.

Culinary activities are also organised, featuring the favourite home recipes of talented chefs based on fresh, seasonal and locally-sourced ingredients.

A brand new angle from which to explore the different districts of the Paris Region during the 2024 Olympics.

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    57, boulevard Ney
    75018 Paris 18ème

    • Copyright image:
    • © NickoGuihal